The average house price on SKENE CLOSE is £869,656
The most expensive house in the street is 4 SKENE CLOSE with an estimated value of £967,759
The cheapest house in the street is 5 SKENE CLOSE with an estimated value of £767,495
The house which was most recently sold was 5 SKENE CLOSE, this sold on 10 May 2022 for £747,500
The postcode for SKENE CLOSE is GU23 7BD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 SKENE CLOSE Detached £870,983 £630,000 15 Jan 2016
2 SKENE CLOSE Detached £838,818 £635,000 2 Dec 2016
3 SKENE CLOSE Detached £854,385 £637,000 19 Aug 2016
4 SKENE CLOSE Detached £967,759 £700,000 29 Jan 2016
5 SKENE CLOSE Detached £767,495 £747,500 10 May 2022
6 SKENE CLOSE Detached £918,497 £675,000 31 Mar 2016